Oil Field Management (OFM)

Oil Field Management (OFM)

OFM well and reservoir analysis software offers advanced production surveillance views and powerful production forecasting tools to manage and improve oil and gas field performance throughout the entire life cycle. OFM software allows you view, relate, and analyze reservoir and production data with comprehensive workflow tools, such as interactive base maps with production trends, bubble plots, diagnostic plots, decline curve analysis, and type curve analysis. Recent architectural changes and usability improvements further enable your engineers and organization to be more productive.

The OFM application allows you to connect to your data quickly, wherever it may be located—spreadsheets, databases, or other repositories. It also acts as a single point of analysis for reservoir and production engineers to collaborate and manage more wells in less time. OFM enables early detection and diagnosis of production problems for any asset type (conventional, unconventional, thermal, etc.). The multiple visualization canvases (charts, reports, and maps) and fast filtering capabilities enable improved field performance by promptly identifying the well or wells that offer an opportunity to increase production.

OFM software supports rapid, scalable deployments of enterprise-wide workflows for a portfolio of assets. It also enables the implementation of engineering workflow standards for sharing best practices and benchmarking multiple assets, and provides the flexibility needed by individual users and assets to capture unique analysis solutions or techniques.

OFM Workflow Capabilities

• Production Surveillance—OFM software facilitates early detection and diagnostics of production problems, quick generation of production trends, diagnostic plots, reports, maps, grids, and bubbles directly from corporate data. It also supports validation of remedial well work benefits via integration with Avocet production operations software platform and Merak Peep economics software. Waterflood Surveillance—Waterflood patterns can be defined from production and reservoir data using the OFM Streamline module. When combined with pressure data and PVT algorithms, reservoir volumes and voidage can be determined and further diagnostics can be carried out with different diagnostic plots (e.g., Hall plots).
• Production Forecasting—Traditional decline curve analysis and advanced forecasting techniques (e.g., analytical decline and numerical forecasts) are available to generate better, faster, and more reliable forecasts. Connect to Petrel reservoir simulation software and import simulation results to verify and compare to production rates and assist in forecasting